My Own Native Jandakot?

kids birthday party venueI’m thinking of bringing up the idea of a movie night next time we have a meeting. Not a bad idea, right? It’d help us get to know each other a bit, but then you don’t exactly have to talk much during a movie. There’s a great space on the third floor that’d be great for a projector, so I reckon we could make it happen as soon as Friday night. Still, I’ll just have to wait and see what people say.

TV watching with friends is surprisingly fun, as I’d know because Abigail and I meet every weekday to watch Week of Our Lives. Terrible stuff, I know. But then, we DID see a trailer recently for a new miniseries, Fronds. It’s about a group of friends just trying to live their hectic lives, but in song and dance like a musical! And the filming location I just couldn’t believe: Jandakot. An indoor play centre, of all things. Seems like one of the big opening numbers is going to be set there, and it looks really spectacular.

But my home town, really? It’s all the way out in the west, so isolated like most things are out there. It just came as a bit of a shock that they’d be filming there. I mean, I remember that play centre; I took my niece and nephew there last time I visited home! I told Abigail and she said her home town has never been used for anything exciting. I mean, I moved to Melbourne to be in the centre of things, and now they’re filming what looks to be a fine, musical miniseries right in my back garden. How typical!

Well, I hope they enjoy their time in Perth. It’s a nice little place, Jandakot, kids birthday party venues aside; lots of grassland and different filming locations, so that’s probably why it’s being filmed there. Golly, I’m a bit excited for this show now. Maybe we could watch that every week instead!


Posted in TV