Antennas Through the Years

antenna installationI may be extremely old now, but my mind is as sharp as it ever was. My memory is also running at peak capacity, and I know exactly what things were like when I was a girl and the internet was a distant myth. Television had come to Australia, people everywhere were losing their marbles and I was staying cool because I just knew it wasn’t as much of a big deal as it used to be. Nobody knew how antennas worked or how to fix them when they got struck by lightning, so it was all a bit of guesswork for a while. I remember being eleven, the youngest of my siblings, so I had to be the one to sit up on the roof holding the antenna in the hopes that we could catch the cricket game. Well, I say ‘we’…

Now Melbourne’s antenna installation people are just everywhere, rain or shine, experts in the field and so very much loved by the populace because of how they bring television to the masses. I went along to the first Club meeting and found that- surprise, surprise- the first thing on the agenda was television. One big satellite dish that should service most of the people living her. I sat at the back and didn’t say very much. I shan’t be one of those interfering crones who thinks they have something to say when it’s really just a lot of waffle! Still, it was terribly strange to wonder in that moment what society had become from when I was a girl. Just think of me on the roof in that freezing wind, compared to now when people can open up their gadgets and have whatever they like delivered to them. Knowledge, television, cat videos…so many things. It’s luxurious, but not something I’m really against so long as people don’t waste their time on soaps. Oh, that Week of Our Lives…managed to derail our entire meeting after someone brought it up. I couldn’t care less about that drivel.

We finished with Cordelia being sent to find a place in Melbourne that does antennas. We’ll see…


Posted in TV